
Revert to master git
Revert to master git

revert to master git
  1. Revert to master git how to#
  2. Revert to master git code#

Revert to master git how to#

Thus, if you say, “Revert to Production” while in dev mode, your dev branch will pull from the faulty `HEAD` that you reverted in previous steps. How to reset a Git branch to a remote repository Save the state of your current branch in another branch, named my-backup ,in case something goes wrong: git. However, the ` HEAD` of your remote production branch will have been unchanged.

revert to master git

Revert to master git code#

Note: At this point, your local production code will now have been reverted to the specified commit. We may revert changes and fix our mistake by using git. If you have the master branch checked out. curl -i -X POST -H "X-Looker-Deploy-Secret:" 4 - Re-enter Production in your project. Where git interprets x as the parent of x and + as a forced non-fast-forward push. Grab the commit SHA, eg e289a61, of the commit you would like to revert to.ģ - Hit the SHA Advanced Deploy webhook using curl. Copy the secret, you will need it in step 3.Ģ - In Your Git Provider: Find the specific commit you would like to revert to in the commit history of the Production Branch

revert to master git

Must use a non-looker hosted repository which you have credentials to accessġ - In Looker’s Project Settings, enable “ Advanced Deploy” and set a Webhook Secret. git stash git checkout -b new-branch HEAD3 head back in time This approach has two distinct advantages if youre not sure whether you really want to.Select Start a new merge request to start a new merge request with the new revert. Your Looker instance must be accessible from the public internet, or you must be able to curl to the instance from command line In Revert in branch, select the branch to revert your changes into.Therefore, I decide to do it the 'clean way', which in my case is revert. I read on the Internet that this is a bad idea on a shared branch. Must be on a version that supports advanced deploy and have it enabled My first idea is to quickly push -force to master branch to cancel the merge when nobody is looking.

Revert to master git